Comyn Kelleher Tobin maintains Q9000 Legal Quality Standard

Comyn Kelleher Tobin maintains Q9000 Legal Quality Standard

Comyn Kelleher Tobin is delighted to announce that the firm has achieved the Q9000 gold standard from the Institute of Legal Research and Standards for our risk and quality management systems for the fifth year in a row.

The Q audit confirms CKT’s commitment to the highest standard of quality and risk management. Recognised by the Law Society of Ireland, the gold standard Q9000 certification is the highest level of compliance with the top level standard for law firms in Ireland.

Gold standard certification follows an independent audit by the Institute of Legal Research and Standards of the firm's systems, processes and procedures.

To be awarded a gold standard at the Q audits this firm had to demonstrate that we observe the highest standard in the following areas:

  • Client management
  • File management
  • Regulatory and claims management
  • Practice management
  • Systems management
  • Advanced financial management
  • Strategic and innovative management
  • Advanced IT, information and knowledge management.

Well done to all of CKT employees involved including our dedicated Risk Management Partner, Financial Controller, Marketing Manager and all support staff who are instrumental in implementing our Q9000 systems, procedures and policies.